Friday, January 25, 2008

The City Hall of San Fernando, Pampanga Employs Lebron James & Dwyane Wade Wannabe’s

Before 2007 came to an end, I went to our city hall to voluntarily pay our real property tax due for 2007 & 2008. As I entered the city hall, I saw cashiers staring blankly towards space. I can’t blame them for being completely useless since people usually go to the city hall to ask for help rather than to pay taxes.

I went to the helpdesk and asked for directions. The girl behind the help desk required me to log my name for every question I asked. I guess she needed proof for her quota or else she won’t get paid.

I went to the real property tax window for my payment but the guy behind it, after being disturbed from his conversation with his peers, requested me to proceed to the real property assessment office because he doesn’t have access to the official receipts issued for real property tax payments from 2006. So instead of making payments easier for the taxpayer, the city hall actually wastes taxpayer time by having an awful, or should I say terrible, document management.

In the real property assessment office, I stood in a small line to wait my turn. I was accommodated by a nice old lady whose name I forgot because she was not wearing any ID. I was there patiently waiting for my turn when D-Wade, aka The Flash, bumped me hard as he drove his paper ball to the makeshift basketball ring inside the assessment office. He was followed by King James who hit my knee as he hurriedly followed The Flash. After driving to the hoop, the former screamed "Dwyaaaaaaaannneee Waaaaaaaaadde!" I was a witness! I was pissed!

The mayor has always been criticized for hiring too many people, not to mention incompetent ones, to do redundant jobs. Witnessing such lunacy is too much for me. If these two douche bags think that playing basketball inside a government office will raise them to NBA glory then the mayor must be a real crack to hire these people. If only they had any form of identification, I swear their names would be posted in this blog entry larger than their butt-fucked assholes.


mschumey07 said...

So this is how things work in your city hall. I am sure your mayor is also one of those trying to oust Among Ed. It's sad to see Pampanga like this.

Yam Manuel said...

@ mschumey07- Very sad indeed!

Have you heard of Red Bull's Coach?
He's also a dick btw..